elektroblef. (v2.0) no.0

welcome. this is elektroblef. it's a radio show of a wide horizon of interests, goals and forms. the content is in constant state of flux. elektroblef is an organic entity that evolves, gets depressed, rises above the world's problems and even falls in love. it lives if you, the listener, will accept it into your heart. it lives inside listeners' minds, bodies, dreams and daytravels. it can be your companion, your listener and a friendly mirror. it can annoy or it can please.

elektroblef is fueled by a desire to share the emotion. to share the quiet questions that arise from sounds, to take a simple look at the world from an individual, open and subjective perspective. we explore art, science, technology, mysticism, psychology, astrology and whatever else elektroblef spirit will thrust us upon. everything is like a fluid, constantly in state transmutation and transgression. except one single idea: we'll be honest with you.

this is first number in a second incarnation of elektroblef after a certain history.  we label it as zero.

this is also elektroblef about elektroblef itself. selfreferential.

how to make a radio show? to avoid the classic formulas and from being caught in the form that is unoriginal and therefore unhonest?

we'd like to think that we manage to let ourselves go. to listen to inner being where is it, that it is about to take us. this way we can tune to earth. we can tune to radiowaves and digital streams of tcp/ip. we can tune to the mysterious, inexplicable, subjective and hidden. we can also tune to the blatantly obvious, present and material, chew it with our own special style and confront you with the image of yourselves. this is all about you and me. it's about you and you, and also, about me and me. it's about all of us. how we see it and how we percieve it. straight within the context, taken out from it and creating a new one. we do it all, and we'll daringly continue this way.

elektroblef is about musical exploration. however, investigation runs like we take it in the front and we forget it at the back. it reveals as much as it hides. but something is left behind. an unvisible gift that you might not notice at first. or you might not notice it at all, ever. we are elitist in that sense. we indulge ourselves with a thought that there are few of you who will be able to read between the lines, to get the big picture on your own right. don't see us that way. we're not really like that. most of the time, honestly, we don't really know what we are like. why do we like doing this. why we're putting the effort into this. and what the hell are we trying to say. at other times, however, we'll get it perfectly clear. we'll see the whole thing. we''ll rise above ourselves and be able to see the last bit of the kingdom we encapsulate.

the problem is, how do we get it to you. how do we communicate our experiences.

we look into whole plethora of subjects. we attack them from number of angles. we don't bother too much with academic approaches, although we might use or even invent extremely complicated language to do a bit of folding the thoughts around certain subjects. openness is the golden rule without number. sensitivity is another one. following the flow of life, the words and thoughts of whoever we find humourous and wise enough for the current state of mind we dwell in. following the changing waves of the every-day and thinking that we get the big picture while being constantly aware that we know nothing.

yes, it's a contradiction and we like it like that. the nonsense seems like a good tool to raise above.

lately, fragmentation constitutes most of the  credible creative works. the narrativity has dissolved and structures of meaning are invisible until we interact, dig deep down under and reflect. sub or unconsciously.  however, despite of the aesthetics of fragmentation and hard pressures from the forces of minimalism and formalism, we cherish the carefully crafted stories told by geniouses in the shadows. and, no, we don't buy into the notion of the genious.

while we employ fragmentation to avoid the "nailing down", we train in getting the thesis out, investigating it thoroughly, researching like true fanatics, and, finally and contradictory, nailing it down.

you'll have to figure it out by yourself.

we need to get this straight. we're libertarian. we're anarchists that don't support connivance. absolutely pacifist. support open future because it's the only natural way. believe in the soul and never stop questioning while allow experiences to be your lessons. open source, gift culture, community currencies, respect the word, respect the book, kill the dogma. or else our carma will run over it. be fast, be loving, learn to fly, understand the system so you can transcend it.

underground is a state of mind.

elektroblef standard all-inclusive disclaimer:
elektroblef is about music.  we do some commentary on unimportant events on planet earth. we do a lot of questioning for the masses. we sometimes answer them. despite of sole existence of our talks and monologues, the vesel of the show is the music. music created by artists around the world. listener is expected to  pay respect to those artists, check the playlists on skylined.org and visit artists sites. buy their cds and  support them directly if you like their music.