"intimate suppression"

Bastirilmis Mahremiyet / Intimate Suppression
Acilis / Opening: 29 Aralik / December 2008 Pazartesi / Monday @ 6pm
Apartment Project / Istanbul
Luka Princic
_ http://viator.si/
_ http://www.last.fm/music/nova+viator
Mehmetcan Serinkaya
_ http://www.vimeo.com/sentetiklezzet
_ http://www.youtube.com/user/sentetiklezzet
In today's visually and aurally oppressive culture, the relationship between image and sound is complementary as well as it has power and density to direct the perception of the individual. This complementary relationship forms a culturally created and dictated perception of the image and the sound.
This relationship which seemed to be complementary is indeed an uncanny and intimate dialogue which has its own gaps and suppressions and offers all possibilities in its details. When the individual starts to see and hear what is beyond the norms, s/he discovers her/his veiled intimacy.
Within the framework of all these presuppositions, "Suppressed Intimacy" can be thought as an experiment in which the viewer can touch his/her privacy. The uncanny between the image and the sound will disturb the complementary relationship between the two and likewise the one to one relationship of individual which s/he will construct both with the image and the sound separately will be closer to a subjective perception rather than a culturally dictated perception.
Concept: Mehtap Ozturk
-> download ogg/theora video (55mb)